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Use of Funds Plan



Monroe Public Schools




Part 1:  Strategies for Prevention and Mitigation of COVID


The extent to which and how the funds will be used to implement prevention and mitigation strategies that are, to the greatest extent practicable, consistent with the most recent CDC guidance on reopening schools, in order to continuously and safely open and operate schools for in person learning.



Covid-19 and its variants have brought many challenges to Monroe Public Schools, but we are proud to have implemented safety measures that allowed us to keep our schools open during the 2023-2024 school year with only occasional school closures for deep cleaning and staff adjustments. 

In consultation with stakeholders, the following strategies/items have been identified as needs for Monroe Public School to continue to serve our students effectively, even in the event of the pandemic lingering into the 2024-2025 school year. 



Strategy/Item for Prevention & Mitigation


Maintain student devices to prepare for remote learning and delivery.

Transportation Needs

In order to allow for social distancing, buses are needed to provide transportation for students.

Purchase classroom supplies

Purchase additional classroom furnishings such as tables, chairs, and student desk to allow for greater social distancing during in-person learning.

Custodial Maintenance

Purchase additional supplies and janitorial equipment in case of high levels of need due to Covid-19 infections. 

Operation of Buildings

Increased maintenance for the day to day operations of our classrooms, restrooms, and any building maintenance. 



Part 2:  Strategies for Addressing Learning Loss


How the LEA will use the funds it reserves under section 2001(e)(1) of the ARP Act to address the academic impact of lost instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions, such as summer learning or summer enrichment, extended day, comprehensive afterschool programs, or extended school year. At least 20% of the ARP ESSER III budget is required to be spent in this area.





Strategy for Addressing Learning Loss

After School/Extended Day Services

Use funds on additional after-school/extended day tutoring to respond to learning loss students might have suffered.  We will have teacher/paraprofessional work with our elementary students on supplemental reading who are determined to need additional help in appropriate grade level in ELA. 

Instruction Services

Track student progress on assessments and individual skills effectively with all teachers who provide instruction through STAR Literacy STAR Math & DIBELS assessments.  Purchase additional supplemental curriculum to help students recover in their area of need regardless of placement.  Those areas of needs will be identified through benchmark testing, assessment results, and teacher recommendation. 

Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

Establish curriculum to engage students in improving social, emotional, and mental aspects of their lives.  Counselors, teachers, administrators, and all other staff including paraprofessionals on staff will work with students to develop these skills.





Part 3: Spending the remaining ESSER funds


How the LEA will spend its remaining ARP ESSER funds consistent with section 2001(e)(2) of the ARP Act.


Monroe Public School plans to utilize ARP ESSER III funds to Prepare, Prevent, and/or Respond to the Covid-19 impact on our district.

The decline in our enrollment is of great concern in our district.  To offset the possible financial loss due to possible reduction in state aid we are planning on using the funds to help meet financial obligations until our enrollment has an upward trend.  Even though our enrollment is down, we have maintained instructional staffing levels to ensure class size SDE recommended guidelines to help mitigate the spread of Covid-19. Monroe Public School plans on paying salaries out of project 795. 

To prepare for the possibility of transitioning to remote learning, we are planning on purchasing additional transportation to help aid in the delivery of meals, chrome books, and other educational materials needed to continue to educate and feed our students. 

We also plan on purchasing a bus to help with social distancing with our students on the bus routes. 







Part 4:  Ensuring Most Vulnerable Populations Unique Needs Are Addressed


How the LEA will ensure that the interventions it implements, including but not limited to the interventions implemented under section 2001(e)(1) of the ARP Act to address the academic impact of lost instructional time, will respond to the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students, and particularly those students disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including students from low-income families, students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, and migratory students.


Monroe Public School plans to utilize ARP ESSER III funds to Prepare, Prevent, and/or Respond to the Covid-19 impact on our district.  The committee recommends the following to address learning loss in student subgroups.  We plan on purchasing needed technology with internet capabilities to fulfill the district’s goals of technology initiative. 












Emotional Needs

Mental Health Needs

Students of low socioeconomics

Provide devices and connectivity for virtual learning as needed. Teachers provide evidence based instruction, support for unfinished learning, & provide tutoring as needed through paraprofessionals on staff.. 

Assess food security and provide added nutrition as needed. Assess schools’ clubs and activities to open new opportunities for expanded opportunities to MVPs. Engage families in the school’s programs of academics and activities

 Teacher, Staff and Counselor positions will allow more 1:1 interaction with students.

Collaborate with Counselors from Leflore County Youth Services and River Valley Counselling to provide school counseling to meet emergent needs. Refer to professional support through agencies and the Choctaw Nation as well.

Students of Color

Provide devices and connectivity for virtual learning as needed. Teachers provide evidence based instruction, support for unfinished learning, & provide tutoring as needed











Assess food security and provide added nutrition as needed. Assess schools’ clubs and activities to open new opportunities for expanded opportunities to MVPs. Engage families in the school’s programs of academics and activities

Teacher, Staff and Counselor positions will allow more 1:1 interaction with students

Collaborate with Counselors from Leflore County Youth Services and River Valley Counseling to provide school counseling to meet emergent needs. Refer to professional support through agencies and the Choctaw Nation as well.

English Learners

Teachers/paraprofessionals intervene and implement evidence-based instruction. Provide support for unfinished learning.

 Provide tutoring as needed.


 Summer and After- School programs designed for Els Purchase Eduskills for tracking academic progress and for instructional planning for individual EL students as needed. 

Assess schools’ clubs and activities to open new opportunities for expanded opportunities to MVPs.

Engage families in the school’s programs of academics and activities. Provide translation service for school’s communications and documents through Apps, translators, and online services.


Establish opportunities for the diversity of cultures to be highlighted, celebrated, and respected.


Provide community classes for parents and extended family.

Interventions and Counselor positions will allow more 1:1 interaction with student

Provide school counseling program to meet emergent needs. Refer to professional support through Leflore County Youth Services, River Valley Counselling agencies and the Choctaw Nation.

Students With Disabilities

Interventions for evidence based instruction.

Provide supports for unfinished learning.

Provide tutoring as needed. Provide adaptive technology to close the Homework Gap for Student with Disabilities. Provide in-person learning for SWDs during Remote Learning days as possible.

Assess schools’ clubs and activities to open new opportunities for expanded opportunities to MVPs.

Assess barriers to participation in clubs, activities, and organizations.

Outline plans to remove barriers for inclusion of students with disabilities in the school’s culture and activities.


Engage families in the school’s programs of academics and activities.


Seek ways for SWDs to be awarded for accomplishments& celebrate successes

Interventions and Counselor positions will allow more 1:1 interaction with students.

Provide school counseling program to meet emergent needs. Refer to professional support through Leflore County Youth Services and River Valley Counseling agencies and the Choctaw Nation.

Students Experiencing Homelessness

Interventions for evidence based instruction.


Provide supports for unfinished learning.


Provide tutoring as needed.


Provide adaptive technology to close the Homework Gap for Student with Disabilities.


Provide in-person learning for SWDs during Remote Learning days as possible.

Monroe Public School will make every effort to receive school records from previous school


Assess schools’ clubs and activities to open new opportunities for expanded opportunities to MVPs. Assess barriers to participation in clubs, activities, and organizations



Interventions and Counselor positions will allow more 1:1 interaction with students.

Provide school counseling program to meet emergent needs. Refer to professional support through Leflore County Youth Services and River Valley Counseling agencies and the Choctaw Nation.

Children In Foster Care

Interventions for evidence based instruction.


Provide supports for unfinished learning.


Provide tutoring as needed.


.Assess food security and provide added nutrition as needed through donations and working with local churches..


Assess schools’ clubs and activities to open new opportunities for expanded opportunities to MVPs

Interventions and Counselor positions will allow more 1:1 interaction with students

Provide school counseling program to meet emergent needs. Refer to professional support through Leflore County Youth Services and River Valley Counseling agencies and the Choctaw Nation.